Biodiversity is akin to complexity. In this video, we provide a practical definition of biodiversity and describe how forest management may influence patterns of biodiversity. We discuss the relevance of scale (micro-habitat to continental), differences in considerations among regions, and how forest managers must consider and integrate these concepts into short- and long-term decision-making. Watch the video HERE
All posts by admin
New Publication in Forest Science!
I’m pleased to announce that our new literature review entitled ” Potential Recolonization Benefits of Retention Forestry Practices” has been published in Forest Science.
Interested in reading the paper – Click here (Read)
New Publication in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
I’m pleased to announce that our work entitled
Quantification of uncertainties introduced by data-processing procedures of sap flow measurements using the cut-tree method on a large mature tree was published in the journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
To read the publication click HERE
New Publication in the Forestry Chronicle
I’m pleased to announce that our work on forest growth trends in Canada has been published in The Forestry Chronicle. If you would like to give it a read, click here!
Research Highlighted in Science
I’m pleased to announce that our recent publication entitled “Priority effects are preventing range shifts of temperate tree species into the boreal forest” was highlighted in the Editor’s Choice section of Science!
Click Here to view the article
New Publication – Journal of Ecology
I am pleased to announce a new publication “Priority effects will impede range shifts of temperate tree species into the boreal forest” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Ecology! Click this link for access to the paper.
Guest Speaker at Midi-en-Foresterie [Video Presentation]
I am pleased to share a recent presentation I gave as the guest speaker for the conference Midi-en-Foresterie, as part of the NSERC-UQAT-UQAM Industrial Chair in Sustainable Forest Management at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. In the talk entitled “Limited Migration: Will Sugar Maple tap out to Climate Change,” I discuss the influence of seed provenance, climate, and microsite on early seedling recruitment dynamics of sugar maple and how the species is likely to be impacted by climate change.
Click Here to View Presentation
New Publication in the Canadian Journal of Forest Research!
I’m happy to announce that some work I have been involved with at the EMEND research site has been publised in the Canadian Journal of Forest Research entitled ” A partial deciduous canopy, coupled with site preparation, produces excellent growth of planted white spruce”. [Article]
Érable à sucre et réchauffement – Doc en Poche (UQAM News)
Érable à sucre et réchauffement – Doc en Poche (Sugar maple and climate warming – Ph.D. in your Pocket)
I was recently interviewed by the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) about the findings from my Ph.D. and it was featured in the most recent Doc en Poche series published in the UQAM news. Click Here to read the article (In French).
New Publication in Global Ecology and Biogeography!
It is with great pleasure to announce that after countless hours of field work, writing, and revisions – the project “Local adaptation of trees at the range margins impacts range shifts in the face of climate change” has been accepted for publication in Global Ecology and Biogeography! Click this link for access to the paper. (Download)